Central database of manufactured parts, identification of specifications, record of quality attributes, dimension figures
Module to define and assign basic quality specifications and indicators (material, control dimensions, sizes) to individual parts, production groups identification by means of the parts unambiguous number and its change condition.
Connection of the ERP system with module Parts database
Possibility of individual ordered connection to the information ERP systems of the company management (Helios Orange/Green, Microsoft Dynamics, MFGPro, SAP, MAX, XPPS, K2 ...). Connection can be both sides
Connection of the system to the Parts Database module
The Parts Database module is part of the modules mentioned and is fully integrated as a basic information module for description and specification of parts/products.
Basic information
List of parts and products with a possibility of a tree structure of printed outputs. Basic database of parts products and their specifications, sizes, information related to the quality serving for the processes of the computer aided system CAQ
Specifications/Sizes-quality indicators. Basic information about the sizes and quality indicators of parts with designation of critical characteristics, with a detailed description of characteristics, with a possibility to attach a drawing in the Jpg, Bmp, Tif and other formats.
Quality characteristics
Define quality requirements vary and attribute elements (dimensions, norm requirements a test etc.) Description and marking of critical parts including graphical view in JPG format. These elements are used in module control plan, import to Sampling, MSA, FMEA etc. For use in "approved control plan there is closed editation of these elements including the possibility of deletion.
The module function serves to connect to the other system modules, where the designated part is used with a possibility of viewing the selected module.
Lists, Part tree, outputs and reports
This module serves to create part trees and can be connected with some outputs, reports etc. Including many possibilities about basic information used in the Palstat system. It can be used to prepare reports or define customer requirements. Special customer requirements (view, list) are created in the Reporting module.